I still have no life (Lego Style)

Instead of gloating over the election, I've been spending my copious spare time building more lego stuff for the bears to play with. The last survey ship has gone to the breakers yard, but most of the parts have been hoovered up (as well as about a third the rest of the legos, and a lot of parts from Russell's St*r W*rs "Slave 1" ship. ) to make this ship This ship is a whopping 74 studs long, and it's, even without the external warp grids, a lego vacumn. I'm impressed at the people who can make lego ships that are 200 studs long, because it must cost them a small fortune to get the necessary pieces for them.
As an aside, my program of integration continues along. We now have enough "girly" hair pieces and faces so that with careful selection we can get 35 female lego guys, and I've bought another 10 /Lando/Mace/Bespin/ heads, so we're up to about the black/white ratio that Portland has (which is not enough, damnit. I want another 20-30 /Lando/Mace/Bespin/ heads so we can get the ratio up to closer to 50/50, and enough additional "girly" hair pieces to get that ratio up to 50/50, and then the only minority will be the poor skeleton guys, who number (and will continue to number) a whopping five minifigs of the 100 or so we have right now.)
Of course, it's sometimes difficult to be sure just how many lego figures we have. Silas's guy tends to change clothes, equipment, and heads, so he leaves a trail of body parts behind as he goes. I periodically sweep the library picking up partial lego people, so I think that the number of people swings between 100 and 80, depending on how much of a fashion plate Silas's John is on any particular day.