Sneakily teaching moral behavior
When we started to accumulate legos, the one thing we were lacking were enough people to play with. After slowly accumulating 10 or so as parts of other sets, we discovered the Community Workers people set, bought it, and watched the bears go wild. Apparently they'd been feeling the lack of appropriate dolls to play with legos with, because it was less than a week before Russell and Silas had picked out their own tiny special lego person, and named it "My Guy" (The best asked them if they had any real names for their guys, and the both of them said that their guy was named John .)

The bears had many adventures with these two characters, none of particular note except that they involved building many different little lego cars and structures, and none with any fixed bad guy until two things happened; first, they found out about St*r W*rs, and secondly we found a huge pile of legos at the local Goodwill. Among the crop of Jedi, Harry Potter, Adventure, and heaven only knows what else were a small collection of skeleton-faced characters, who immediately were recruited (over my protestations) as Bad Guys.

These poor skeletons spent a couple of days being chopped, diced, sliced, fried, roasted, and otherwise being sent to their horrible lego fate, and I decided that John & John should have a more resourceful antagonist. The two Johns had accumulated a small group of supporting Jedi knights, so I had to find someone who would be their match.

Meet Darth Tiffany.
Darth Tiffany couldn't actually win any of her battles with John & John and their posse, but she could escape and with a cry of "Curses! Foiled Again!" flee to her Imperial hideout and plot a new doomed nefarious plan.
Well, the lure of this faded pretty fast, and before you knew it the bears were asking me if Darth Tiffany could be a good guy. But of course she could. But this means she wouldn't need to build any evil spaceships to battle the Johns, but instead had to do good things like exploring the galaxy in her Imperial Survey Ship.
Darth Tiffany might be a Dark Lord of the Sith and capable of doing thirty-seven different things at the same time, but even Dark Lords need to sleep occasionally and you'd not want to have your Imperial Survey ship run into an asteroid, an Imperial or Rebel ship, or a herd of rampaging Space Elk while you're getting 40 winks. So she needed a crew, and found just what she needed down at the Brotherhood of Evil Minions & NPC's union hall.

A little while later, after the bears had had a chance to mull it over for a while, Russell asked "Those skeleton guys are good guys now, aren't they?"
Yes. Yes, they are.