Two bears at the pumpkin patch
Russell's gradeschool (yes! It's a .com address because Postel completely messed up the .us namespace!) foundation had a pumpkin patch Saturday afternoon to help raise money to hire extra teachers and buy school supplies. Yes, in a civilized country we'd spend enough money to make the public schools work, but the United States is governed by people who look at Venezuela and think "there are too many middle class people here", so if we want to have functional schools, we've got to pay a bunch of extra money for it.
But I digress. Since our family helped organize the pumpkin patch, we all went there and helped out and/or played around for the duration.

Russell thought the idea of a pumpkin patch was a good plan, and angled to get as many pumpkins as we could carry.

Silas, on the other hand, spent most of the time playing, and only paid the most rudimentary attention to the pumpkin patch part of the show.