CPU cycle eater of the month

This image (via Badgerings) is allegedly an interesting features graph of TSFR. It seems pretty neat, except for one tiny detail, and that is that it's written in the TDV-L java. Sometime this morning, while waiting for a kernel repackaging job to finish (Linux 2.6.9 on a 733 mhz P3. It's kind of slow), I stumbled upon the Badgering post about it, and thought it might be fun to run. So I popped over to the website that contained the code, typed in the url for TSFR (oh, excuse me, it's now "uri" in the latest w3wankerspeak) and watched it hurl into action. It spat out about half of the graph in the lower right, then slowly started dipping into a deep vat of molasses as it spun further on.
It's still spinning along six hours later, eating about 75% of the 2.24 ghz P4 I've got on my desktop. What it's doing, I don't know; if it wasn't for the molasses-like feel of the rest of the machine and the periodic flickering of the X11 cursor, I'd think it wasn't doing anything at all.
"Not optimized" is what the webpage says. Boy howdy, isn't that the truth.