Third time continues to be a charm.

Today, when I took the twice proven #17 bus over to Haig & 17th to catch the #70 home I wasn't expecting to see anything interesting, because I'd checked the Amtrak webpage and seen that train #507 was running about 20 minutes late, and would get to my transfer point 10 minutes before there was even the slightest chance of the train showing up.
Ho, ho, ho, more fool me.

When the bus started turning the corner from Powell to 17th, a short intermodal train popped out from between the small warehouses and offices which flank the SPUP mainline, so I immediately scurried over to Haig and the railroad to see if anything Cascades-colored would pop out from the underbrush. There was nothing to be seen except for a couple of engines shuffling around a cut of cars (presumably for a transfer run up to the BN/SF yard in NW Portland?), and nothing to be heard but the distant hooting of train whistles as the intermodal freight transitted the east side warehouse district.

A difficult to get picture, because the trees in the foreground grew so close to the tracks so I had to crouch down and lean over to avoid trespassing.
The engines in the yard pushed back out of sight (and, due to the wind direction, out of sound), so I had to walk back down to 17th to listen for an Amtrak whistle, and then performed my now-traditional choreography of TOOT TOOOOOOOT TOOOT TOOOT, running back to the tracks, taking photos, and returning just in time to catch the bus.