Another GE750 saved from the scrapyard?

I occasionally look through the railroad pictures on, looking to see if there are any new pictures of electric Engs! in the barren diesel-ridden wasteland that is post-privatisation Brazilian railroading. Today, I was browsing through and up popped this sad picture of Russia #6451, titled "resting in a scrapyard." Now, I don't speak portugese (my knowledge of latin is 20 years and about a millenium away from being good enough to understand it), but I do recognise the word museu, which may mean, even in the chaotic world of railway preservation, that the offending Russia may be headed for a museum.
I'll cross my fingers that it is. I would rather that Fepasa still existed and was still running the Russias and V8s in revenue service, but failing that this would be the 4th (of 20) 750 that avoided the cutter's torch.
-- picture by pedrop at