Sunday photo dump (part 2 – a trip to Brooklyn roundhouse)
The SDP40F isn't there now (it's been leased to the P&W and is out running on the (not electrified anymore, and at US$2.00+/gallon, some people might be regretting the de-electrification) Oregon Electric), but there are still quite a few Eng!s sitting at the Brooklyn roundhouse. There are the three steam engines, of course:

But there are also five diesel engines (plus a PS&P GP30, which is possibly the first GP-30 I've ever seen in the flesh), four of which were nicely lined up on the roundhouse apron tracks, attracting photographers like a big old pot of honey attracts honeybees:

The other two diesels were tucked behind the roundhouse; the F9 (which used to be covered with a tarp, but has now been mended) is prominently displayed, but the FA-1 (ex LIRR, ex-ex SP&S) is tucked further out of the way. The M420B carcass that used to be parked on one of the roundhouse tracks has finally been completely scrapped, and all that's left of it are 4 wheelsets with traction motors, ready to be installed in the F-M trucks that the PA4 is now riding on.