Saturday picture dump
Russell and I went down to OMSI today to burn off some of his excess energy (I don't have that problem. One of the features of time [well, it's either time or me being completely out of shape) is that I don't really have any excess energy these days.) When we left and were
walking along the road heading southwest from Station L, we heard the tooting of an Eng! coming south along the SP UP.

When the train popped into sight, I wedged the Pentax up against the chainlink fence that separates the road from the remains of Portland Traction's East Portland Yard and started clicking away. I'd set the camera to save the pictures in raw mode (10+mb/image!), so my usual routine of taking 20 pictures and keeping the best two or three was rudely thwarted by the camera taking a loooong time to save the images to disk.
A cheapie point-and-drool one-piece camera would, of course, been easier to wedge up against the fence because they tend to have teeny tiny lenses which can fit between the cracks. As it stood, I had to crop about half of each picture away to cut out the diagonal grey fuzzy lines on the original images.