The Longest Cat In The World

Our new cat, MavisLeo, dozes on the sofa. Pay no attention to the snake pillow.
With a name like MavisLeo, one might wonder if this kitty - in addition to being EXTREMELY long - would have a hard time knowing which box to check - M or F…
wow this is the funniest thing i have ever seen… does he walk?
looks to me like thats 2 cats . with 1 of the cats head under the pillow
What kind of cat is this?
I have a 4 month old female kitty that looks just like him! Not quite that long yet, perhaps, but she surely seems to be getting there! It seems her body won’t stop lenght-en-inggggggggggggg! And she has the same markings as he does, too. Everyone says she looks like a “boa!”
Is he a purebred Mainecoon? Thanks.
Is this truly a real picture, or is it actually a computer generated cat? How does he walk?
Please resubmit a picture of this funny cat but without the pillow. Cute!
you people probably have 2 of the same cat’s the you put one on the bottom the other one on top becuz that’s in posibal
you people probably have 2 of the same cat’s the you put one on the bottom the other one on top becuz that’s in posibal
hey yea i can see itz tail cauze if u lok closly thenu can see the tali rite beside the pillow but tha iz funnie doe i really thou tha wuz a real long cat but i sen itz tail atfer 3 whloe minz but yea tha wuz funnie.
Err…ya think it’s two cats….err derr (beating chest like frickin retard)
thats 2 cats!
there are two cats because i see another tail coming out of the pillow. LOSERS!!
that cat is so long it is longer then my dog and he is only 1inches
that cat is so long it is longer then my dog and he is only 1inches
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Wow. I’ve never seen a cat like this one….. too too too funny!