A conversation with Silas
(setting: late this afternoon, after I came home from work and was lying collapsed on the bed. SILAS enters and starts trying to coax me into action. He has a fever, so he's fairly warm.)
ORC (trying to coax SILAS into cuddling): ... you're so warm, you're like a space heater.
SILAS: I not space heater!
ORC: But you're warm and cozy.
SILAS: If you have a rocketship and it gets cold, thats what you use a space heater for. I not space heater!
ORC: ...
Julie the Spouse
Sun Feb 19 20:58:19 2006
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Except it really sounds like, “I not pa'e eater! If you ‘ave a rottet yip and it det told, dat what you u'e a pa'e eater for.”
I sense a great need for a new Google language tool: preschooler to English.