New Code! (pt 3)
To continue with the stream of tiny code releases I've been sending out, I've done another patch release to magicfilter, which is now up to version 2.3.e 2.3.f, which contains a couple of patches I made last year, but forgot to check into version control, plus some small cleanups of the magic.m4 filter template so that you can define(TEXT,false) and have the filter then pipe text through your pstext or enscript program. The older patches correct a little buglet with new versions of libmagic on NetBSD 3.x machines, where -lmagic requires -lz to work (so libmagic can look inside some compressed files, which may turn out to be an exciting source of later bugs) and cleans up some of the filtering so that I'm not passing naked escapes around, which are invariably eaten by one thing or another, leaving me with difficult to reproduce bug reports, and the new patch unbreaks some of the PJL processing and, as I already mentioned, printing of text files to non-text printers.
I'm still planning (in my copious free time; my corporate masters expect me to do productive work, and the bears expect me to do productive play, which leaves me with not much free time or available braincells) to write a configuration tool that takes advantage of the foomatic big-database-of-printer-descriptions to autogenerate filters instead of using my little library of increasingly-obsolete printer filters, but at least these now 4 month old changes are published like they should have been in 2.3.d