Ye G-ds, not another idiotic antifeminist Harvard Professor.

Oh, no, I can see her eyes! The Romance Is GONE!
So that's all there is for men, huh? Paradise is nothing but an endless supply of vaginas and a really big scorecard?
This is another where do I even begin? moment. I've run into absolute morons like this before -- all men, of course -- who will state, long and loud, how that's what every man wants, and if you deny it, well, you're just lying to yourself about your true nature, and pretty much their universal solution to this arrangement is the recommendation that women trade sex for a ring (which, as many people have pointed out, is actually recommending that women should all be prostitutes.) Are there any other blatantly stupid generalizations that come out of this moron? Oh, right, the whole modesty thing; is he trying to say that women shouldn't sleep with men because after you've seen yourself screwing a "chick", why, the thrill would be gone.
I can just imagine what he'd think of seeing childbirth; I imagine it would be *whoosh*, Mr. Happy would vanish back into the body cavity so fast there'd be a thunderbolt, and then nothing could get him out except going down to the quad and seducing another freshman (or, as is more likely, going to the local and spending the afternood whining about "my wife doesn't understaaaaaand me." Oh, your wife understands you all right; that's why she hired that PI to follow you around.)
Christ, spare me. I presume that the ideal world for this guy is that women wear burkas and that people are issued blackout curtains when they get their marriage licenses so the man wouldn't "lose romance" by seeing himself inside his sex partner. Being present at childbirth is, of course, right out, and a man who even stayed in the hospital while his lover hatched his latest recombinant DNA experiment would be arrested and fined US$500 for not doing the traditional "go down to the corner bar and watch The Game! while waiting for the blessed event™ to happen."
Aaarrgh. I've got an even better idea. And it starts with seeking therapy. It may be a bummer that you never had a chance to sleep around, but, really, human beings hook up for reasons other than casual sex, no matter how wonderful the casual sex might be.
(annoying as hell article via Echidne,
red burka picture via Hugo Zoom,
refutation of this stupid "theory" provided by the best)
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I nabbed "Mysterious Miss from Tunisia" from Haroon, who nabbed it from the BBC, who nabbed it from the AFP...and THERE'S NO TELLING where those saucy Frenchies got it from.
The poor girl! If she only knew she was so popular she'd probably go back to working on that demo tape with which her uncle discouraged her from being so dang preoccupied... Anyway, Dave,thanks 4 visiting.
(*As I like to call her.)