A view through one of our windows
It was foggy for a long time this morning, and all of the spiderwebs that are festooned around the house (imagine the results of an arachnid toilet-papering raid) were covered with little drops of water. The big spider by the stairs weaves webs that are particularly impressive even when they're dry, and the latest web didn't disappoint when covered with the morning dew.

We'd been wondering if a finch had gotten the spider, since we hadn't seen much of it yesterday, but the appearance of this sparkling new web was a pretty good indication that the spider was at home, When I went outside to try to take a picture of the web from outside (a miserable failure, in case you were wondering), there was the spider, sitting crouched in a corner of the windowframe, glaring at me.

This spider does not want to be your friend.
Notice that she's got one leg hooked on to one of the struts of the web? She doesn't want to miss a meal if it should drop by while she's out of the office.
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I can handle snakes and plenty of other critters but spiders? nuh uh. bags of ichor-filled horror. brrrr...