Household vermin picture of the day

This daddylonglegs (not a spider; look where the legs join the body) wandered into our kitchen tonight and was strolling along the hideous pretend marble formica kitchen counters when I limbered up the telephoto lens and started shooting at it.
While I was taking pictures, the clumsy thing fell into our sink, and spent about five minutes trying to get out before I took mercy on it and scooped it up with a fork and dropped it onto the counter again. I expect that, given the larger household vermin that we have in our house, that it will meet a feline doom later tonight, but until then it can have its 15 minutes of fame.
Julie the Spouse
Fri Oct 7 13:32:00 2005
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Nope, it survived till morning, and Russell and I found it on his lunchbox when we were packing it. Russell transferred it to the front porch. I couldn't say whether all its limbs were also transferred, however. He puts more emphasis on capture than careful handling...