Quick geography quiz!

The RED areas on each map are where same-sex marriage or "civil unions" are legal in that country. The ORANGE areas are where they might not be legal, but there are no laws against them. The BLACK areas are where a state has passed a hate amendment (GREY is where the amendments are on the ballot or going up for a second reading), and WHITE is where they simply have Nuremberg laws that forbid recognition of same-sex marriages. (I don't include the states of Alaska and Hawaii, but both of them have already damned themselves by passing hate amendments.)
Canada doesn't have this disgusting patchwork of hate laws and hate amendments because the federal government legalized same-sex marriage at the federal level three months ago. The federal government in the United States is not, um, anywhere nearly as likely to propose or pass laws providing essential human rights to the gay subjects of the idiot king.
And, in case you're asking, no, I've not yet gotten my get out of hell free card. But I'm working on it.
(Tip of the hat to Timbre of a TimeFree Mind.)