If it’s october, it must be time for …

Russell Street BBQ to reopen! We had been out shopping today, and let the bears choose where to eat (they chose Burgerville instead of Dead! Raw! Fish!, which conveniently put us on the east side of the river) and we ended up driving down Russell Street on the way there and saw that the OPEN sign was lit at the BBQ joint.
Orc: We could eat at Russell Street BBQ?
Bears: No, we want to eat at Burgerville.
Orc: Okay, so we'll go to eat at Burgerville, then we'll go to eat at Russell Street BBQ?
But, alas, by the time we finished with Burgerville the bears were in nighttime crash mode, so we had to go home and put them to bed instead of doubling back north and getting a large pile of smoked ribs, pulled pork, and enough sweet tea to drive my pancreas to the brink of a workers action. But tomorrow is another day, and the bears might not object if we bolted up there for a little something after I finish my day at the programming mines.