Railroad picture(s) of the day
On the way back from a party at a friends house, we went by Brooklyn Yards and spotted a freight train at the north end of the yard. We pulled off to take a picture of it at the same time the white crew van pulled up and the crew started loading themselves onto the train.

I am not completely familiar with modern GM locomotives, but the second unit (#2511, a SD60M) is the dirtiest modern unit I've seen on the Union Pacific. It looked like it caught fire in the middle of a mudstorm, and was cleaned with a sandblaster.

About 30 seconds after this freight started moving, a southbound freight, led by a Norfolk and Western Southern unit, came screaming by at about 45mph. I was using Julie's pointanddrool Nikon, which isn't the best camera for taking pictures of fast-moving objects in the dark, so even though we chased the train all the way into Clackamas County I didn't manage to get any pictures of that train that weren't blurry black blobs with a barely visible NS horse logo on them.