7 Corners/14 Houses/1 Shop/1 Church

(click on a picture to see a bigger copy)
On Thursday, I needed to go to the New Seasons at Seven Corners to get some cat food (Suzzy has been picking at her special doped-with-cat-drugs catfood, and I was hoping that some different kinds of food might make a difference. (Executive summary: No, unless you count the piles of thrown up cat food in the basement as a difference), and decided that since it was a nice sunny day it would be a shame to not take some pictures as I went. I walked from 21st and Powell to New Seasons, dodging over to 20th at People's Co-op (I'm a member there, but all I had was a US$20 scrip certificate for New Seasons, so I had to pass it by), and then I wandered randomly back towards Powell, crossing the Southern Union Pacific mainline via the pedestrian bridge at 15(?)th, taking pictures as I went.