Psst, Democrats, we don’t need a loser party
During a week where it became obvious that Evil Party apparatchiks had "lost" over US$225,000,000 from the state workers compensation fund before the 2004 "election" in Ohio, but the Evil Party Governor of Ohio had just let the matter drop until after the "election" was over, and during a week where the Downing Street Memo started to get noticed by the SCLM, it was pretty fucking stupid to start committing fratricide instead of being an opposition party.
If the Democratic leadership wants to be the loser party, that's all fine and good for them -- I'm sure that the Evil Party will reward them in the way they deserve -- but it's certainly not fine and dandy for what remains of the United States of America. I believe that it's time for me to get a little rubber stamp reading "SUPPORT HOWARD DEAN", and every time the Stupid Party sends me a letter begging for money, I'll just stamp the reply envelope and send it back to them. It probably won't do any good, but I'll feel like it's doing some good while I'm stamping the letter.