This Space for Rent

Who said this?

Over a five year period, as surpluses continue to grow, we will return half a trillion dollars to the taxpayers who really own it, without touching the Social Security surplus. That’s what we mean by our Lock-Box: The Social Security surplus is off-limits, off budget, and will not be touched. We will not stop there, for we are also determined to protect Medicare and to pay down the national debt. Reducing that debt is both a sound policy goal and a moral imperative. Our families and most states are required to balance their budgets; it is reasonable to assume the federal government should do the same. Therefore, we reaffirm our support for a constitutional amendment to require a balanced budget.

And who said this?

There is no trust fund, just IOUs that I saw firsthand, that future generations will pay

Why, yes, they're both from representatives of the Evil Party. The first is from the 2000 Evil Party platform (you may have missed it, because it was sandwiched in between the calls of death to homosexuals!, death to abortionists!, and US out of world affairs!) and the second is from a speech that the Coward in Chief made on his recent "death to Social Security!" tour.

What's the common thread that runs through both of these quotes? Is it

The correct answer is, of course, all of them.

(a polite version of this can be found at Seeing The Forest)