This Space for Rent

It must really suck to be a British citizen this week (part 2)

The London Times is reporting on a claim that the Gulf Stream is turning itself off. Now, if that's happening (and I've no reason to believe that it is not, given that "disruption of the Gulf Stream" is one of those things that is constantly mentioned as an undesirable side-effect of global warming), large parts of the Northeastern American seaboard and the British Isles are going to be in for some fairly exciting (if, by exciting, you mean really cold winters for these areas that are as far north as Sunny Tropical Siberia) weather changes as all of that lovely warm water from the south stops dumping heat into the air.

And, no, I don't think the yapping from the antiscience wing of the Evil Party (yes, there is an antiscience wing. The pro-science wing are all those people working on poison gasses and new nuclear weapons.) would make up for the loss of the gulf stream.

(this cheery news brought to you by,
which is conveniently located 3.1 meters above sea level in Florida


You know, I never thought about it, the GOP is composed of two separate but equally evil contingents -- those who think science is bunk, and those who use it for the destruction of life as we know it. I guess it's just a matter of which way you think is the fastest road to the End Of Days. It's nice that they offer choices.

firedoglake Tue May 10 15:42:10 2005

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