It must really suck to be a British citizen this week
Really, is it any surprise that the Coward in Chief's little lapdog intents to cling to power like grim death? After all, his control of the reins of power, no matter how slender they may be, might be the only thing between him and a war crimes trial.
The hope that Tony Bliar would gracefully give up the keys to his flat at #10 Downing Street is, I suspect, yet another case of expecting that hope can triumph over reality. And, even though the alternative to "New Labour" is, realistically, the Tories (they're not only the Evil Party, but they're also the really really Stupid Party; I suspect if they'd pretended to moderate their more barking mad positions, they'd have driven "New Labour" out of power, but, no, it's apparently better to embrace their inner madman now and damn the consequences), "New Labour" is the same rancid wine in a shiny new bottle.