This Space for Rent

Well, yes, gay sex is hot, but I don’t think it’s as popular as the fundies think it is.

Arthur Silber, since he's got a far higher tolerance for right-wing lunacy than I do, has picked a real gem of right-wing lunacy from the fertile fields of wingnutta. It's not a particularly new bit of lunacy (it was going around when I was coming out in the 1980s), but it's apparently coming back.

The executive summary is: gay sex is so hot that if you don't vigorously persecute gay people, everyone will abandon their opposite-sex fuckbuddies for the boys (or girls) in the band, and then where will we be???


I'd think that the best solution for a pundit who's been forced so deeply into the closet that they have to make this sort of argument would be to instead move to a big city and get a job fighting for gay rights. Who knows, they might find a nice MOTSS partner if they aren't spending all their energy wrapping themselves into rhetorical knots. And, if gay sex is that much better than heterosexual sex, well, that will be one pundit who will be a lot happier and well-adjusted.

And, as a bonus, they won't need to be at the beck and call of the Scaife family or any of the other, um, "leading lights" of the Christian Taliban. It's a win-win all around.