Joys of cat ownership (post-surgical version)
On April 18, 2005, at approximately 4pm pacific time, the vet took the Happy!Drug! patch off the cat.
On April 19, 2005, at approximately 4am pacific time, the cat threw up loudly enough to wake me up.
On April 19, 2005, at approximately 8am pacific time, the cat threw up loudly enough to wake me up again (I had my alarm set for 8:15am, so it wasn't nearly as obnoxious as the 4am wakeup puke.)
A brief reconnaissance of the house revealed a few more gastrointestinal surprises.
I guess it's time to go back to the vet and get more Happy! Drugs!, so we can drug the cat every day for the rest of its natural life (or our natural life, whichever ends first.)