I [heart] my new camera

These pictures, taken this afternoon just after a hailstorm rolled through Portland, almost make it seem like Portland Traction was never abandoned, but kept running the CC cars forever.

The Steel Bridge isn't really being pulled over by those pull-offs you see in the foreground, it's just another case of "Hi! I'm Orc; I'm so bent I can't even take a picture straight!"

But, wait, this one looks level! I must have had someone else taking this picture! (The south end of the Union Pacific yards at the foot of Russell Street)
You’re welcome to use this picture for non-commercial use as long as you give me proper credit for it. A link back to the post on TSFR and mentioning my name (something like “photo by <a href="http://weblog.pell.portland.or.us/~orc/2005/04/17/001”>David Parsons“) would be good.
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HEya, Would you mind if I posted your Steel Bridge Picture on my site? Just curious as I dig it.