Our work here is done
A year and a half ago, echo23 released their Steve Ballmer video, featuring an Orb-ish remix of one of his more famous speeches matched to bits of Domo-kun video. I snarfed a copy of the video, played it a few dozen times, then tucked it away in my movies directory on downbelow, where I'd occasionally pull it out to play.
Fast forward to this spring. The bears like watching online train videos, as well as other interesting things I occasionally find. This last week, Russell was getting over being sick, and Silas was starting to get sick, and one night I was home alone with them while the best went out for a meeting, and we got to playing some of the railroad videos. And then I thought they'd like the famous transformer citreon video (filmed in Vancouver, BC), and then, there it was, ready to corrupt them.
So we played it once, twice, then about 10 times. And over the week the best played it for them a few more times.
This afternoon, I got a call from home, and was told to listen. In the background, in his high childish voice, Russell was singing "DEVELOPERS! DEVELOPERS! DEVELOPERS! DEVELOPERS! I! Love! This! Company!"

Our work here is done.
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You forgot to mention that he calls it "the dancing cookie bar video".