A trip to Silver Falls State Park
We'd been inside for several days due to work and sickness, so, to avoid going completely batshit stircrazy, we shovelled ourself into the car and went on a short trip to Silver Falls State Park. This was mainly a "get the bears out of the house so they will tire themselves out" trip, so it was very very short (3 hours driving, 2 hours at the park, 1 hour of combined napping babies on the way back.)
Silver Falls State Park has, as you can probably guess, some waterfalls. We weren't going to do any long hikes, but some of the waterfalls were an easy walk (all of these thumbnails link to very large images. Click and beware!)

North Falls is pretty easy to reach; park beside the road (in the dinky trailhead lot), step out of your car, and there it is.

South Falls is about half a mile away from where we parked (near a play structure, where we stopped for quite some time so the bears could play for a while), but eventually we dragged the bears away from their work and walked over to the edge of the gorge:

There is a path leading down behind South Falls, which we took, but first I had to impress the bears by flying over to yards away from the falls (because, as anyone who reads certain right-wing weblogs knows, telephoto lenses don't exist, and I just had to get a closeup.)

The waterfall gets a lot larger when you get close to it.

Until you get really close, then you lose all sense of scale.

After this, we proceeded sedately back to the car and drove home.