Today is Take Your Dust Mite To Work day!

The first thing to do when you get in to work is to drink lots of tea.

Check your mail to find out if any of the system builds blew up last night.

Then go into the machine room to fix all the things that made the builds die.

And back to the desk to do paperwork and take a little nap.
Fri Apr 1 23:05:57 2005
If you keep a little dustbroom and a keyboard condom handy, it's easy to just sweep the little monsters away. But if you train them carefully (and are a computer programmer) you can eventually get them to the point where you don't have to do any work; just make every day take your dust mite to work day, and then as long as you cow orkers don't ask why they keyboard is typing by itself you're all set.
David Parsons
Sat Apr 2 12:41:48 2005
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Auuuugh! Auuuuugh! Jesus, God, Almighty! It's my keyboard every damn day of the week!