Late night railroad engineering

It's late at night and almost time to go to bed, so what to do?
I know!
We'll build a mountain railroad over the pile of clean laundry that someone else needs to fold!
Spouse of Great Snarkitude
Sun Mar 27 23:17:25 2005
Seriously, thanks for WASHING all the laundry, though. It is good the kids won't have to choose between pajamas and shorts and T-shirts for tomorrow's clothes!
Spouse of Lesser Snarkitude
Sun Mar 27 23:19:50 2005
What a builder! Love the pic!
Tue Mar 29 08:38:56 2005
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It's late at night and almost time for the kids to go to bed, and there's a huge pile of clean laundry that "someone" needs to fold, so what to do?
I know!
I'll post to my weblog!