Old Trolley Line/New Trolley Line

Today, The City of Portland opened part of the latest extension to the downtown trolley line, so I walked down to the new line from work and took approximately a million pictures of new cars on the line. Part of the new line follows the old Red Electric ROW, so they've ripped out the old track and are putting new track in, but part of the route swings wide of the old track, so they've left about a block of track in place (severed at the north and south end by the trolley line, and currently used as a storage track for a ballasting machine.) I couldn't resist setting the A70 on the old line and taking a picture of one of the Astras as it helped open the new line.

The new extension joins the Red Electric ROW south of the old Willamette Shore Trolley Marquam Bridge station, so that station (such as it is) is still there for the time being.