Today, we went to the haircutters to get haircuts for the bears. Since it's a haircutting place that specialises in haircuts for kids, they have the opiate of the masses there and turned on, usually with cartoons from the 1920s and 1930s.
As the bears get their hair cut, they can watch the cartoons. Usually they just sit there quietly, but today there was some cartoon starring a dairy cow, who was disguising herself as a butterfly and then flying around from flower to flower in an attempt to lure and waylay a butterfly collector who'd captured all the real butterflies. And after successfully doing that, the butterflies made a living crown, robe, and train for our heroine.
About this time, the best and the haircutters started laughing hysterically, then the best pulled out the camera and took a dozen or so pictures of Silas. I was holding him in my lap, so I couldn't see his expression, but I was assured that he looked very dumfounded:

Cows that type? Chickens on strike? WTF??!?
Normally, this sort of reality-altering experience requires those sorts of special mushrooms that the B*sh junta doesn't want anyone outside of the White House to use. But we can provide it for the cost of a haircut (offer not valid if you're older than two.)