This Space for Rent

Riddle me this

So, if the subject is same-sex marriage, it's a mortal! insult! to civilization to treat gay people as, well, people, but if the subject is the unconstitutional display of religious propaganda on government property, people who disapprove should just avert their eyes?


You know, if the Supreme Court is planning on continuing to prostitute itself to the rich and powerful, you'd think they could at least pretend to do it with some dignity. This business of publicly hitching up their robes and taking a dump on the still-twitching corpse of the first amendment is like wearing facepaint and a rubber nose -- it may be appropriate somewhere, but not when you're pretending to be the ultimate authority on US law.

So, if you're going to burn a US flag, display a bottle of urine with a cross in it, or do something really unpatriotic like insist that torture is unamerican, just tell the Evil Party peanut gallery what Antonin Scalia recommends in cases like this: "turn your eyes away if it is such a big deal for you." Then give a honk! or two on your party horn, because that's what the Supreme Court would do.

(via the carpetbagger report)