Is it possible to have too many locomotive pictures?
We were planning to go out and get a tree today, and we found ourselves shuffling towards the door at about 1:45. I helpfully mentioned that if we went out the door at 1:45, we could swing by Sellwood Riverfront Park and see the 2pm Polar Express run south to the Spokane St. crossing before heading north towards OMSI (I don't know why they head south first, but I suspect that running the 700 up the hill has something to do with it.

At this time of year there is considerably more light at 2pm than there is at 4pm, and the sun was flirting with the clouds, so the detour was considerably more productive from a foamer's viewpoint than yesterday's train-spotting trip.

This time, I stayed in Sellwood Riverfront park and let the train come to me. It came up the ramp with a pretty spectacular display of smoke and steam (it was only going about 5 mph, but it was going *CHUFF* *CHUFF* *CHUFF* as if it was pulling a long freight.

When it stopped at Spokane St. and began to back towards OMSI, we hopped into the car and headed for Sellwood Blvd to see if we could see the train backing across the bottoms, but as we left the park the 700 swept by, forcing me to take another picture.

We reached Sellwood Blvd just as the 700 passed the Oaks Park halt, and managed to get a few more pictures of the train backing north.

Passing the Oaks Park halt.

Passing the roller rink, with downtown Portland in the background.

And pretending it's out in the country as it heads off into the woods.
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I love Portland.