This Space for Rent


All attempts to blackmail me for undisclosed undocumented visits to XXX websites. All to the same stupid bitcoin wallet. All threatening to send this documentation to my business contacts within 48 hours.

  1. Nov 05 Change your password immediately. Your account has been hacked.
  2. Nov 05 Change your password immediately. Your account has been hacked.
  3. Nov 05 Change your password immediately. Your account has been hacked.
  4. Nov 02 Change your password immediately. Your account has been hacked.
  5. Nov 01 Change your password immediately. Your account has been hacked.
  6. Nov 02 Change your password immediately. Your account has been hacked.
  7. Oct 28 is compromised. Password must be changed
  8. Oct 28 is compromised. Password must be changed
  9. Oct 28 is compromised. Password must be changed
  10. Oct 25 account is compromised
  11. Oct 25 account is compromised
  12. Oct 25 account is compromised
  13. Oct 25 account is compromised
  14. Oct 16 is hacked
  15. Oct 16 is hacked
  16. Oct 13 was hacked
  17. Oct 12 was hacked

It’s a change from viagra spam & the traditional “I want to do a crime, can you help?” inquiries from various African central bankers. I don’t find it very convincing, oddly enough (something about them blowing their threat deadlines 14 times and counting now, though I was not convinced when I got the first sendmail -f last month.) But it does make a nice lineup in my spam folder.