This Space for Rent

Friday Dust Mite Blogging™

Dust Mite helps me reinstall Julie's mac

After the hard disk failed on Julie’s macbook pro, I replaced it with a (much faster) solid state drive. Unfortunately there appears to be a problem with 2012 macbook pros in that if they have a solid state drive and they aren’t connected to mains power and they attempt to go to sleep they end up flaking out and only writing some of the hibernation file. And then when you try to wake up the machine it sits there blankly and just glows at you while the fractional hibernation file is read into memory and then used to make the machine quietly kill itself.

The last time this happened it ended up eating part of the kernel, which resulted in a machine that would only boot into the recovery partition and – sigh – only give me the (usable) options of restoring from backup or loading a new version of the OS from across the net.

I decided to restore from backup, which is taking about 3 hours. And Dust Mite is, as is traditional, supervising.