This Space for Rent

The killer app


There’s a website out there than provides a nice map of all of your routes colored according to how many times you’ve ridden any particular section of road/trail (like the gpsvisualizer options) except that (a) it copies your gps files to itself so it doesn’t have to copy them all over from the source machine every time you run it and (b), it only works with Strava.

Now I’ve been avoiding Strava like the plague because I don’t like the whole competitive KOM/QOM mentality it has, but, um, shiny?

It took about 30 minutes between when I first saw the heatmaps and creating a Strava account. And then it took another day to populate the strava account with all of my >~10 mile loops. But when I was done I had this, which makes it worthwhile in a sick sort of “holy cow, I’ve ridden a lot of places” way.


That’s a lot of riding.

It’s even kinda got topography.

Graydon Fri Jun 7 14:48:38 2013

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