This Space for Rent

Lemonade (project of the weekend)

One of the side-effects of the last project of the day was the creation of a large (in the 4-5 ton range, if not more) pile of broken up chunks of sidewalk. I didn’t have any place to put it, so I stacked it up on the front yard as a prototype dry stone wall, and that resulted in the whole family agreeing that putting in a concrete rubble wall would be a fine plan.


I started implementing this plan this weekend, by chopping a trench into the yard and stacking slabs of concrete in it. After a few mishaps (like trying to dig in hardpacked dry clay with a shovel. Ha ha) I managed to get the horrible thing done just in time for a torrental rainfall this afternoon, which, as you can see, managed to successfully not wash my work away.

And now I don’t have to hire a dumpster to remove tons and tons of crushed stone, hurray!