This Space for Rent


From Ron Minnich @ the Plan 9 mailing list:

new w/gcc 4.3: “- The |constructor| and |destructor| function attributes now accept optional priority arguments which control the order in which the constructor and destructor functions are run.

woo hoo! Now is that signed? What’s the precision? 32 bits? Or can it be floating point?

I want priority 5! you get 6, dammit!

Just take 2pi as your priority. But I get e.

I suspect that somewhere in gcc-land someone made a bet that they could kill the C programming language absolutely dead within 10 years, and this is how they’re going to do it. The gcc people boast that they’re driving the C standards making process right now, and I’d certainly believe it given the flow of provably destructive features that is being pumped, like a deadly poison, directly into the circulatory system of the standard.

Perhaps it’s time to switch back to being a BOFH (or any other sort of waste management technician.) The pay wouldn’t be quite so good, but it would be very satisfying to not have to work within a computing culture that is starting to scarily remind me of the People’s Temple.


If you really want to bring down the temple around your ears, suggest those numbers should be complex, with the real part being constructor/destructor priority and the imaginary part (since it pops above the real axis into unimagined realms) something to do with the operating system scheduling.

Francois Thu Jan 31 20:35:57 2008

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