This Space for Rent

It must be winter …

... because the winter round of things that go wrong has begun. Today, the thing that went wrong was 2-3 gallons of diesel oil deciding to escape from the storage tank in the basement and scamper across the floor towards the pile of scrappy parts I've got stacked up to do art with. It didn't reach the art -- the best cut it off at the pass and thwarted its escape by the simple expedient of dumping 40 pounds of kitty litter onto the nasty stuff -- but *my god the smell*! It smells -- after opening all of the doors and windows, setting up fans to blow clean air out, and scrubbing most of the floor with orange cleaner -- like we're living in the middle of the locomotive refueling racks at the Milwaukee Road roundhouse in North LaCrosse Ca 1975 (the RSC-2s were still around back then, so I spent a lot of time growing familiar with the stench of spilled diesel oil.)

I'm thinking of taking a bottle of Dr. Bronner's soap (“Dilute Dilute OK!”) and spreading the concentrated form around the offending spill. Pepperment-diesel might be a pretty nasty combination, but it's not any nastier than plain old diesel.