This Space for Rent

New Code!

In the past couple of months, I've come to the realization that the algorithm that many spammers use to format their messages is the exact same algorithm that many of my relatives use to format the messages they send. It's (obviously) not the same content, but it looks enough like incoming spam so that the mail that some of my relatives send is universally rejected (for such things as no From: address on the mail header, no Subject: line, much more html than text, and the like.) It's not really possible to get them to change; Outlook needs to be clubbed vigorously to make it work as properly as it can be, and none of these people are geeky enough to want to spend the time to beat Outlook into submission.

So, if I was going to have mail from my relatives get into pell, I needed to find some other way of doing things. I couldn't drop the spam filters (well, actually I could, but without spamassassin doing its dimwitted thing I got about 15 pieces of spam every day the filters were down. When the filters were UP, I got about one piece of spam every week, which was making me a much happier camper) without being driven immediately insane, so I had to find a different solution.

The solution, which is in postoffice 1.4.3, is the new configuration option junkfolder=, which (as of right now; I may revisit it later) tells postoffice to write detected spam to the mail folder <maildir>/<user>:<junkfolder> instead of to the regular destination address. It's a bit of a kludge in that it adds more mailfiles to the mail spool; files which are not detected normally and which grow and grow without bound, but it at least puts the packages of rotting spam into a place where I won't automatically see them.

I may have to write a notify daemon that either hangs off smtpd or is run from a crontab, but for now it's good enough that it shunts the spam off into a siding.

So, New Code!, freshly harvested from the bleeding edge of the Chateau Chaos programming labs.