This Space for Rent

Evil Party moral values (pt 7)

Uzbekistan, in south-central Asia, is one of the American Imperium's more unappealing allies in the so-called "global war on terror." Aside from being a sordid dictatorship (which is one of the traditional prerequisites for being a US client state), they carry the business of brutal tortures about as far as it's possible to take it. Boiling people to death, gangrapes, ripping people apart with pliers, it's all pretty much par for the course in the beacon of liberty that is Uzbekistan.

But perhaps it's nice that they exist, because then the apologists can claim that no matter how depraved the United States has become, and no matter how terribly the United States may treat its (largely innocent bystanders, if reports from Iraq and Afghanistan are to be believed) prisoners, at least we don't boil them to death, pound nails into them, rape them, and smash their teeth out with hammers.

At least that's the idea.

It turns out that the US KGB has been flying their chartered Gulfstreams regularly to and from that little slice of hell on the steppes. And, as the fucking Coward in Chief is wont to say (probably while masturbating over snuff pictures from the torture chamber), if someone protects a terrorist, if someone feeds a terrorist, then that person is just as guilty as the terrorists! So, you're an American citizen? Congratulations! You're not only a torturer, but you're a Josef Mengele-style torturer!

And, no, "I was just following orders" will not be an acceptable defense when you stand before Minos for judgement.

(evidence via King of Zembla)


Puffy, cheerful, unrepentant and unapologetic, cruel and foolish, violent and studiously ignorant. America the granered.

W Sat Apr 16 20:49:46 2005

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