This Space for Rent

Open Source®™© feature of the day

The R*dh*t package manager from r*dh*t 8.0 (rpm 4.1) will not compile on r*dh*t fedora core 3, because the newer version of gcc on that machine doesn't seem to be able to deal properly with bitfields.

Remember, it's not C, it's gcc, which compiles a language which is almost, but not entirely, completely unlike the version of C that's described in K&R 2 (a language which is almost, but not entirely, completely unlike the version of C that's described in K&R 1.) There are standards and there are standards, and then there's the Open Source®™© concept of tripping standards into a dark alley, then putting the boot in repeatedly before running off with the standard wallet.

Not that I'd be at all annoyed that 3 year old code isn't compiling any more because the rocket scientests at the FSF decided, again, to reinterpret language specs. I should be delighted that I've got yet another opportunity to reinvent the wheel, or kludge around things that don't work correctly.