This Space for Rent


At around 10pm, we managed to get the bears to bed. At around 11pm, some moron on a motorized scooter decided to come RRRROOOAAARRRIINNGG down 17th Ave, then up 17th Ave, then down Milwaukie, then up Milwaukie, then g-d only knows where else on their quest to wake up every single child in southeastern Portland.

Silas woke up, terrified. And he didn't settle down for, oh, about a hour.


If I was emperor of the world, I'd add bozos on motorised scooters to the long list of painful retribution. I couldn't cube the scooters (who could tell the difference?), but maybe I'd cube their family SUVs instead (though, most likely those SUVs would have already failed the dirt or demolition test and would already be little blocks of metal decorating a front lawn in suburbia.)