One little green speckled blog

Rhymin' time

There's a Mother Goose rhyme that goes:

There was an old woman tossed in a basket
Seventeen times as high as the moon,
And where she was going, no mortal could tell,
But under her arm she carried a broom.

"Old woman, old woman, old woman!" said I,
"Whither, oh whither, oh whither so high?"
"To sweep the cobwebs from the sky,
"And I'll be with you, by and by."

The other day I started making up a variation with "young Bobo" (one of Silas' nicknames) for "old woman", and "spoon" (one of his obsessions) for "broom". After the "whither so high?" line, I paused, and Russell, grinning, immediately finished: "To scoop the yogurt from the sky/And I'll be back on the Fourth of July!"
